Peters Township Community Television History
(Click on the year below)
Adelphia has 520 cable television customers in Peters Township
By the end of the month, Adelphia is up to 885 customers in Peters Township
1,225 customers hooked up to cable system by the end of March
The April 18th Peters Township Cable Regulatory Board meeting is attended by John Bullock (Board Member), Seymour Lerner (Board Chairman), Robert McMurray (Board Secretary), James A. Ross (Township Manager), and Anthony W. Accamando, Jr. (Manager, South Hills T.V. Cable Company).
Dr. Jack, Superintendent of the Peters Township School District contacts the Board to discuss the School District's participation in Cable T.V. services,
including the wiring of the school buildings.
The Board begins to the discuss the possibility of purchasing the station's first electronic bulletin board, what was then known as a Public Communications Terminal
The Board discusses the possibility of creating 4 programming centers for Peters Township:
Municipal Building: community message center, like the current message center housed in Bethel Park and shared by Peters Township and Bethel Park on Channel 2
Library: Children's and adult programming
School District:to be submitted at a later date